Web crawling By Puppeteer @ Node.js - Part 2/2, How to make it work on Android?
1. Install ubuntu on Android by AndroNix
2. Install node.js and puppeteer
3. start web crawling
4. advanced adjustments to display chinese characters
- Install Ubuntu on Android by the help of "AndroNix"
- Install the APP "Termux" and run "pkg update"
- Install the APP "AndroNix"
- Install the APP "VNC Viewer"
- Install Ubuntu 18 with XFCE (recommended):
Follow the instructions on AndroNix to copy a command to paste on Termux
- After installation, you'll be told to set a VNC password to connect to your system
- Start VNC Server by "vncserver-start", and stop it by "vncserver-stop"
- Now you can run "VNC Viewer" and add an address of "localhost:1"
- Shutdown your Ubuntu by "exit" in Termux and "Force close" Termux,
- Turn on Ubuntu again by "./start-ubuntu.sh" in Termux
- Install node.js by the command
apt install nodejs
- Unfortunately, the default Node.js version was 8 and didn't support Puppeteer
- Download the latest Node.js from https://nodejs.org/en/download/
Inside your VNC Viewer's chromium browser
I chose "Linux Binaries (ARM)" -> "ARMv8" for my Zenfone 5 (ZE620KL)
- *** The steps starting from now doesn't seem really right.
- *** I need a professional person to teach me!
- After downloading the archive, I copied "bin/node" to "/usr/bin"
cp /path/to/archive/bin/node /usr/bin
to override the original node executable
- Then I created a folder under "/path/to/archive/bin" named as "node_crawler"
and changed the working folder to it: cd /path/to/archive/bin/node_crawler
- I ran "../npm install puppeteer"
- Then I created the example_code.js as shown in the previous part under node_crawler
- NOW HERE IS THE BIG POINT: I failed initially kept being notified: no-sandbox...
- Later I found the solution of changing the line that launches the browser to this:
const browser = await puppeteer.launch({
args:[ "--no-sandbox", "--disable-setuid-sandbox" ]
- I finally succeeded in running puppeteer on Android
- Chinese characters not showing in Chromium Browser
- Install Chinese Fonts (both Simplified & Traditional)
- Serif:
- Sans-serif:
- apt install fonts-arphic-ukai
- apt install fonts-arphic-uming
- Want to switch system language to Chinese?
- apt install language-pack-zh*
- apt install chinese*
- apt install locales
- Edit
and set the contents to:
- LANG="zh_TW.UTF-8"
- Edit
and uncomment the lines for the locales that you want to enable
- Then, run locale-gen to generate the locale
- Create a new user and login to it
- Before adding a new user, run "vncserver-stop"
- adduser User_Name
- su - User_Name
- Logout by "exit" to return to root
- run "vncserver-start" under the User_Name
- Then, access Ubuntu using VNC Viewer, and now its system language is Chinese